local util_args = require('Module:ArgsUtil') local util_sort = require('Module:SortUtil') local util_table = require('Module:TableUtil') local util_text = require('Module:TextUtil') local util_vars = require('Module:VarsUtil') local bool_false = { ['false'] = true, ['0'] = true, ['no'] = true, [''] = true } local argPrefix = 'q?' local lang = mw.getLanguage('en') local bool_to_str = { [true] = 'Yes', [false] = 'No' } local p = {} local h = {} function p.queryAndCast(query) local tables = util_table.concatIfTable(query.tables) local fields = h.parseAndConcatFieldNames(query.fields) query.join = util_table.concatIfTable(query.join) query.limit = query.limit or 9999 local result = mw.ext.cargo.query(tables, fields, query) h.cast(result, query.types or {}, query.coalesce or {}) return result end function h.parseAndConcatFieldNames(fields) if type(fields) == 'string' then fields = util_text.split(fields) end return util_table.concat(fields, ',', h.parseOneFieldName) end function h.parseOneFieldName(str) if not str:find('%.') then return str elseif str:find('=') then return str end local name = str:match('%.(.+)') return ('%s=%s'):format(str, name) end function h.cast(result, types, coalesce) for i, row in ipairs(result) do row.index = i for k, v in pairs(row) do row[k] = h.castField(v, types[k]) for coalesceKey, coalesceValueList in pairs(coalesce) do row[coalesceKey] = h.coalesce(row, coalesceValueList) end end end end function h.castField(v, v_type) if v == '' then return nil elseif v_type == 'boolean' then return p.strToBool(v) elseif v_type == 'number' then return tonumber(v) else return v end end function h.coalesce(row, tbl) for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do if row[v] then return row[v] end end return nil end function p.getOneResult(query, field) local result = p.queryAndCast(query) if result[1] then return result[1][field or query.fields] end return nil end function p.getOneRow(query) local result = p.queryAndCast(query) return result[1] or {} end function p.getOneField(query, field) local result = p.queryAndCast(query) local tbl = {} for i, row in ipairs(result) do tbl[#tbl+1] = row[field] end return tbl end function p.strToBool(v) if not v then return false elseif bool_false[lang:lc(v)] then return false end return true end function p.getConstDict(query, key, value) return p.makeConstDict(p.queryAndCast(query), key, value) end function p.makeConstDict(result, key, value) local tbl = {} for _, row in ipairs(result) do if row[key] then tbl[row[key]] = row[value] end end return tbl end function p.getOrderedList(query, key) local result = p.queryAndCast(query) return h.makeOrderedList(result, key or query.fields) end function h.makeOrderedList(result, key) local tbl = {} for k, row in ipairs(result) do tbl[#tbl+1] = row[key] end return tbl end function p.groupResultOrdered(result, key, f) local data = {} local this local thisvalue local thistab local i = 1 for _, row in ipairs(result) do if not row[key] then row[key] = 'Uncategorized' end if row[key] ~= thisvalue then data[#data+1] = { name = row[key], index = i } i = i + 1 thistab = data[#data] or {} thisvalue = row[key] end thistab[#thistab+1] = f and f(row) or row end return data end function p.groupResultByValue(result, key, f) local data = {} local this local thisvalue local i = 1 for _, row in ipairs(result) do if row[key] ~= thisvalue then thisvalue = row[key] data[thisvalue] = { name = row[key] } i = i + 1 thistab = data[thisvalue] end thistab[#thistab+1] = f and f(row) or row end return data end function p.queryFromArgs(args, defaults) -- sometimes we want to specify query args in the template -- this function parses them into args that cargo will understand -- change argPrefix above to change the prefix for query params local query = mw.clone(defaults or {}) for k, v in pairs(args) do if string.sub(k, 0, 2) == argPrefix then query[string.sub(k,3)] = v end end return query end function p.store(tbl) if not tbl then return end local tbl2 = mw.clone(tbl) tbl2[1] = '' for k, v in pairs(tbl2) do if type(v) == 'boolean' then tbl2[k] = bool_to_str[v] end end mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction{ name = '#cargo_store', args = tbl2 } return end function p.doWeStoreCargo(nocargo, desiredNamespace,title) local argOkay = not util_args.castAsBool(nocargo) if not desiredNamespace then return argOkay end if not title then title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() end return argOkay and title.nsText == desiredNamespace end function p.whereFromArg(str, ...) -- if an arg is defined, formats a string with the arg to be included in a where table -- if it's not defined, returns false and NOT nil so the table can be used -- with util_table.concat if not next({...}) then return false else return str:format(...) end end function p.whereFromArgList(str, argTbl, sep, f) if not sep then sep = '%s*,%s*' end if not argTbl then return nil end argTbl = util_table.guaranteeTable(argTbl) if not next(argTbl) then return end local splitArgs = {} for _, arg in ipairs(argTbl) do splitArgs[#splitArgs+1] = util_args.splitAndMap(arg, sep, f) end local argsForFormat = {} for lineIndex, v in ipairs(splitArgs[1]) do argsForFormat[lineIndex] = {} for i, arg in ipairs(splitArgs) do argsForFormat[lineIndex][i] = arg[lineIndex] end end local where = {} for _, condition in ipairs(argsForFormat) do where[#where+1] = p.whereFromArg(str, unpack(condition)) end return ('(%s)'):format(p.concatWhereOr(where)) end function p.concatWhere(tbl) local arr = {} -- pairs because maybe some entries are nil, and since it's an AND, order doesn't matter for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if v then arr[#arr+1] = ('(%s)'):format(v) end end if not next(arr) then return nil end return '(' .. util_table.concat(arr, ' AND ') .. ')' end function p.concatWhereOr(tbl) local arr = {} -- pairs because maybe some entries are nil, and since it's an AND, order doesn't matter for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if v then arr[#arr+1] = ('(%s)'):format(v) end end return '(' .. util_table.concat(arr, ' OR ') .. ')' end function p.fakeHolds(field, str, sep) if str == nil then return nil end sep = sep or ',' str = h.escape(str) return ('%s__full RLIKE ".*(^|%s)%s($|%s).*"'):format(field, sep, str, sep) end function h.escape(str) local tbl = { '%(', '%)' } for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do str = str:gsub(v, '.') end return str end function p.fakeHoldsVariable(field, str, sep) sep = sep or ',' return ('%s__full RLIKE CONCAT(".*(^|%s)",%s,"($|%s).*")'):format(field, sep, str, sep) end function p.makeMinMaxQuery(query, field, orderby, order) -- modifies a pre-existing query to add an extra set of conditions to get the max/min value of some field -- order will be either MIN or MAX, and orderby is usually going to be a date/datetime -- example: c.makeMinMaxQuery(query, 'SP.Champion','SP.Time','MAX') --to get the most-recent played champions local query2 = mw.clone(query) query2.fields = ("%s(%s)=value, %s=field"):format(order or 'MAX', orderby, field) local result = p.queryAndCast(query2) util_table.mapInPlace(result, function(row) return row.value and ('(%s="%s" AND %s="%s")'):format(field, row.field, orderby, row.value) end) local newwhere = { next(result) and ("(%s)"):format(p.concatWhereOr(result)), query.where and ("(%s)"):format(query.where) } return p.concatWhere(newwhere) end function p.getUniqueLine(...) local args = {...} for k, v in ipairs(args) do if type(v) == 'string' then args[k] = util_vars.getGlobalIndex(v) or v end end table.insert(args, 1, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text) return util_table.concat(args, '_') end return p