local fmt = string.format local next = next local type = type local error = error local pairs = pairs local assert = assert local ipairs = ipairs local getmt = getmetatable local setmt = setmetatable local schema = {} --- 值的表示形式 ---@param v any ---@return string local function repr(v) local typ = type(v) if typ == 'string' then return fmt('%q', v) elseif typ == 'table' then local s = tostring(v) if not s:match('^table') then s = 'table: '..s end return s end return tostring(v) end local function indent_new_ln(str) return str:gsub('(\r?\n)', '%1 ') end local function map(array, func) local t = {} for i, v in ipairs(array) do t[i] = func(v) end return t end local schema_mts = setmt({}, {__mode = 'k'}) ---@type {[metatable]: true} ---@param name string ---@param super_mt metatable? ---@param without_override boolean? ---@return metatable local function reg_mt(name, super_mt, without_override) local index = super_mt and super_mt.__index or {} if not without_override then index = setmt({}, {__index = index}) end local mt = { __name = name, __index = index, } schema_mts[mt] = true return mt end ---@param v any ---@return string | nil local function get_scm_type(v) local mt = getmt(v) if not schema_mts[mt] then return nil end return mt.__name end local function is_callable(v) if type(v) == 'function' then return true end local mt = getmt(v) local call = mt and rawget(mt, '__call') if not call then return false end return is_callable(call) end ---@param constraints table ---@return table? local function get_validators_from_constraints(constraints) local inputs = constraints.validator if not inputs then return nil end if type(inputs) ~= 'table' or getmt(inputs) then inputs = {inputs} end local validators = {} for i, v in ipairs(inputs) do if not is_callable(v) then error(fmt("%s isn't callable", repr(v)), 3) end validators[i] = v end return validators end local SUPER = '__s__' local VALIDATORS = '__v__' local always_true = function() return true end local Any_mt = reg_mt('Any', nil) schema.Any = setmt({ test = always_true, }, Any_mt) function Any_mt:__call(constraints) return setmt({ [SUPER] = self, [VALIDATORS] = get_validators_from_constraints(constraints), }, getmt(self)) end Any_mt.__index._test = always_true function Any_mt.__index:test(testee) if self[SUPER] then local valid, msg = self[SUPER]:test(testee) if not valid then return false, msg end end local valid, msg = self:_test(testee) if not valid then return false, msg end if not self[VALIDATORS] then return true end for _, validator in ipairs(self[VALIDATORS]) do local valid, msg = validator(testee) if not valid then return false, msg and 'custom validation failed: '..msg or 'custom validation failed' end end return true end function Any_mt.__index:assert(testee) if self[SUPER] then self[SUPER]:assert(testee) end assert(self:_test(testee)) if not self[VALIDATORS] then return true end for _, validator in ipairs(self[VALIDATORS]) do assert(validator(testee)) end return true end ---@param typ string 类型 ---@param a string? 冠词 ---@return function local function TypeChecker(typ, a) local fmt_str = "%s (type: %s) isn't "..(a and a..' ' or '')..typ return function(_self, testee) if type(testee) == typ then return true end return false, fmt(fmt_str, repr(testee), type(testee)) end end local Nil_mt = reg_mt('Nil', Any_mt, true) schema.Nil = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('nil'), }, Nil_mt) local Boolean_mt = reg_mt('Boolean', Any_mt, true) schema.Boolean = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('boolean', 'a'), }, Boolean_mt) local Number_mt = reg_mt('Number', Any_mt) schema.Number = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('number', 'a'), }, Number_mt) ---@type {[string]: fun(testee: number, n: number): boolean, string?} local num_cmps = { lt = function(testee, n) if testee < n then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't < %s", testee, n) end, gt = function(testee, n) if testee > n then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't > %s", testee, n) end, le = function(testee, n) if testee <= n then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't <= %s", testee, n) end, ge = function(testee, n) if testee >= n then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't >= %s", testee, n) end, ne = function(testee, n) if testee ~= n then return true end return false, fmt('testee equals %s', n) end, } function Number_mt:__call(constraints) return setmt({ [SUPER] = self, cmp = { lt = constraints.lt, gt = constraints.gt, le = constraints.le or constraints.max, ge = constraints.ge or constraints.min, ne = constraints.ne, }, [VALIDATORS] = get_validators_from_constraints(constraints), }, Number_mt) end function Number_mt.__index:_test(testee) for method_name, n in pairs(self.cmp) do local valid, msg = num_cmps[method_name](testee, n) if not valid then return false, msg end end return true end local String_mt = reg_mt('String', Any_mt) schema.String = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('string', 'a') }, String_mt) function String_mt:__call(constraints) return setmt({ [SUPER] = self, max_len = constraints.max_len, min_len = constraints.min_len, pattern = constraints.pattern, [VALIDATORS] = get_validators_from_constraints(constraints), }, String_mt) end function String_mt.__index:_test(testee) if self.max_len and #testee > self.max_len then return false, fmt("the length of %q (%d) exceeds %s", testee, #testee, self.max_len) end if self.min_len and #testee < self.min_len then return false, fmt("the length of %q (%d) is under %s", testee, #testee, self.min_len) end if self.pattern and not testee:match(self.pattern) then return false, fmt("%q doesn't match the pattern %q", testee, self.pattern) end return true end local Function_mt = reg_mt('Function', Any_mt) schema.Function = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('function', 'a'), }, Function_mt) Function_mt.__call = Any_mt.__call local Table_mt = reg_mt('Table', Any_mt) schema.Table = setmt({ _test = TypeChecker('table', 'a') }, Table_mt) function Table_mt:__call(constraints) local specific = {} local generic = {} for k, v in pairs(constraints) do if not get_scm_type(v) then v = schema.Const(v) end local scm_type = get_scm_type(k) if scm_type then if scm_type == 'Const' then specific[k[1]] = v else generic[k] = v end elseif k ~= 'validator' then specific[k] = v end end return setmt({ [SUPER] = self, specific = specific, generic = generic, [VALIDATORS] = get_validators_from_constraints(constraints) }, Table_mt) end function Table_mt.__index:_test(testee) for key_scm, val_scm in pairs(self.generic) do for testee_key, testee_val in pairs(testee) do if key_scm:test(testee_key) then local valid, msg = val_scm:test(testee_val) if not valid then return false, fmt( 'in %s, field %s:\n- %s', repr(testee), repr(testee_key), indent_new_ln(msg or 'no message provided') ) end end end end for key, val_scm in pairs(self.specific) do local valid, msg = val_scm:test(testee[key]) if not valid then return false, fmt( 'in %s, field %s:\n- %s', repr(testee), repr(key), indent_new_ln(msg or 'no message provided') ) end end return true end local Const_mt = reg_mt('Const', Any_mt) local existing_const_scms = setmt({}, {__mode = 'kv'}) --- 获得一个Const实例,以相同参数多次调用将会返回同一对象 function schema.Const(val) if val == nil then return schema.Nil elseif existing_const_scms[val] then return existing_const_scms[val] end local obj = setmt({val}, Const_mt) existing_const_scms[val] = obj return obj end function Const_mt.__index:_test(testee) if self[1] == testee then return true end return false, fmt("%s doesn't equals %s", repr(testee), repr(self[1])) end local Union_mt = reg_mt('Union', Any_mt) function schema.Union(...) local union = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local sub_scm = select(i, ...) if sub_scm == nil then union[schema.Nil] = true elseif get_scm_type(sub_scm) == 'Union' then for scm_in_union in next, sub_scm do union[scm_in_union] = true end elseif get_scm_type(sub_scm) then union[sub_scm] = true else union[schema.Const(sub_scm)] = true end end return setmt(union, Union_mt) end function Union_mt.__index:_test(testee) local msgs = {} for allowed_scm in next, self do local valid, msg = allowed_scm:test(testee) if valid then return true end msgs[#msgs+1] = msg or 'no message provided' end return false, fmt( '%s fails to match any value in the union:\n- %s', repr(testee), table.concat(map(msgs, indent_new_ln), '\n- ') ) end -- 必须放在所有reg_mt()之后 for mt in next, schema_mts do mt.__bor = schema.Union mt.__div = schema.Union end reg_mt = nil -- 防止后续意外调用 schema.Integer = schema.Number{validator=function(v) if math.fmod(v, 1) == 0 then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't an integer", v) end} schema.Callable = schema.Any{validator=function(v) if is_callable(v) then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't callable", repr(v)) end} schema.Truthy = schema.Any{validator=function(v) if v then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't truthy", v) end} schema.Falsy = schema.Any{validator=function(v) if not v then return true end return false, fmt("%s isn't falsy", repr(v)) end} return schema